How to Become an Elder at Awakening Church
Eldership at Awakening Church is taken very seriously for an Elder has great responsibilities toward God and His Church. He cannot fulfill these unless he meets the qualifications of both character and giftedness that God has set forth in the Scriptures. A fully qualified Elder is a strong protection to the church. An unqualified Elder is a great danger to her. The Awakening Church policy defining the process of becoming an Elder is available from the church office to any church member upon request. These instructions and this process in total is meant to be a guide and a help through the process, not to force the church into a situation where following this Elder Policy would bind her hands and make the process unperformable. This presented path is one that makes sense and is shaped by Biblical, Godly wisdom and should be endeavored through barring any excluding circumstances or as the current Elders see fit for its use in the life of any prospective Elder candidate. This policy is used as amplifying information to the requirements contained in the Awakening Church Constitution and By-Laws which will not be lessened in any way. This policy is separate from any other Awakening Church document and may be edited as required by the Elders of Awakening Church. The basic steps of the process are outlined below.
Basic Eldership Process
1) A man is saved and begins his walk with Jesus Christ.
2) He grows in maturity through various means (see below) and is recognized by those in the congregation as meeting the qualifications for an Elder specified in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. He is then nominated by a Church Member to be considered by the Elders as a candidate.
3) The Elders evaluate the nominee as to his qualifications and then direct him accordingly to grow in any areas of deficiency and/or prepare for Elder Internship and ordination as an Elder.
4) Elder Intern is presented to Congregation for affirmation.
Means of spiritually maturing.
1) A consistent personal devotional life of Bible study and prayer.
2) Involvement in personal discipleship both as one who is being discipled and as someone who is discipling others.
3) Consistent and humble usage of their spiritual gifts in ministry.
4) Taking advantage of any special classes helpful toward Elder training including classes in theology, Biblical books and practical theology. For those who desire to pursue any of these areas in self-study, (please talk with an Elder to set up a course of self-study).
5) Reading of Christian books helpful to a greater understanding of the Bible, theology and its application to daily life.
If you are taking advantage of the various means of spiritually maturing as noted above and are interested in becoming an Elder, whether in the near or distant future, then please talk with a Pastor or Elder for specific direction in preparing yourself for this wonderful and important ministry – “It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do.” (1 Timothy 3:1)
Awakening Church Policy on Selecting and Removing Elders
An Elder has great responsibilities toward God and His Church. He cannot fulfill these unless he meets the qualifications of both character and giftedness that God has set forth in the Scriptures. A fully qualified Elder is a strong protection to the church. An unqualified Elder is a great danger to her. The process outlined below is to help determine if a man is equipped in character and in giftedness to serve as an Elder. If this is done correctly, then the church will simply be recognizing a man God has set apart to this ministry, and the church will be blessed. If done incorrectly, then it will be men just choosing other men to be leaders, and the church will suffer.
It is also recognized that a man that gives all appearance of being qualified at one point in time may later prove himself unqualified. Therefore, this policy includes a means to remove unqualified men from being Elders.
Also included is a brief outline of how a man can work toward developing himself to be an Elder. It is our belief that though not every Christian man will have the necessary gifts to be an Elder, nevertheless, every Christian man should be developing themselves to meet the spiritual and character qualifications of being an Elder.
The Elder Process will normally be accomplished in five phases:
1) Nomination
2) Evaluation
3) Internship
4) Confirmation
5) Continuing Reaffirmation
1. Nomination (Relevant Scriptures: Acts 6:1-6; 1 Timothy 3:1; 2 Timothy 2:2; Titus 1:5) (Note: Path to Eldership can be by either method, A or B below)
A. Identified by Elder.
Each existing Elder should, as a part of regular ministry, identify men who desire to be an Elder and may be qualified. Such men should be discipled and prepared to be an Elder. Such an identified individual should be:
1) In the discipleship process (discipling or being discipled)
2) Involved in ministry of the church
3) Ready for simultaneous evaluation and internship
B. Identified by a member of the church.
Members of the church should suggest to the Elders men they recognize may meet the qualifications for an Elder, are doing the work of the ministry and desire to do the work of an Elder. Such an identified individual should be:
1) Active in a ministry of the church.
2) Actively involved in the discipleship process. (discipling or being discipled)
3) Assigned a sponsoring Elder for initial screening and assistance.
C. Approval to proceed in the process
1) A current Elder will meet with the nominee and completes an Initial Evaluation Questionnaire with him (see Appendix A). Process continues only after individual has completed this Initial Evaluation Questionnaire, given serious consideration and prayer to the matter, and still desires to proceed.
2) The sponsoring Elder reports to all the Elders his findings during the initial screening. A potential candidate does not proceed unless approved by all the Elders. Those turned down at this phase are to be encouraged to work in the areas of weakness pointed out for possible future re-nomination.
D. Assigned Discipling Elder.
Each approved candidate is assigned to an existing Elder for discipleship, examination and help through the process (i.e. contact, guidance, support, accountability, modeling, examination of home life and reputation in community).
2. Evaluation (Relevant Scriptures: 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9)
A. The discipling Elder works with the nominee to prepare the following documents: (Appendix B)
1) Testimony of salvation.
2) Testimony of current ministries.
3) Doctrine.
4) Philosophy of ministry.
B. Assigned Discipling Elder Responsibilities (This formally begins with nomination approval)
1) Assistance with written documents.
2) Preparation for oral evaluation.
a) Identify any doctrinal or Biblical deficiency and provide or direct to training classes as needed (Elder training classes in Biblical hermeneutics, Theology and Eldership are generally offered in a rotating schedule).
b) Identify any ministry weakness.
c) Identify any character weakness. (making sure the “tough”/sensitive questions are asked)
3) Spending time to get an accurate picture of family life. The discipling Elder should be able to identify the strengths and weakness in the candidate’s relationship with wife and children.
4) Investigation of reputation outside the church. The candidate is to give a list of references which are to be contacted by an Elder. In addition, neighbors, known friends and co-workers should also be contacted. (Appendix C for possible questions for this investigation).
C. Oral Evaluation
1) All Elders are to be given copies of the documents prepared in “2. A.” above.
2) The candidate is to be evaluated by the Elders only after his discipling Elder indicates the candidate is ready and meets the character qualifications.
3) The candidate is to be evaluated before all the current Elders. Elders from other churches may be invited as decided by the current Elders of Awakening Church.
4) The candidate is to orally present his testimony of salvation and ministry.
5) Character witnesses are to give testimony to the candidate’s character and effectiveness of ministry (these may be written).
6) The candidate is to be questioned in three specific areas. (The Discipling Elder will use Appendix D to help the candidate prepare)
a) General Bible Knowledge
b) Doctrine/Theology
c) Practical application of Doctrine
D. Approval by Elders to proceed to internship
After oral examination, all Elders (pastors) present are to decide by unanimous consensus if the candidate is ready to proceed to internship or needs to continue working in areas of weakness.
3. Internship
A. Assigned elder continues in mentoring relationship for accountability and assistance.
B. Elder intern attends all elder meetings and functions. He may speak to issues being discussed, but does not have a say in the decisions of the elders.
C. Elder intern is to continue reading through books (especially in any areas of weakness) and discussing them with the discipling elder. If the intern has not already worked through Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch and its Study Guide, the intern should do so.
4. Confirmation
A. Elder Approval.
Upon the recommendation of the discipling Elder, the Elder Intern will be interviewed by the current Elders for final approval to become an Elder.
B. Congregational Notification.
Upon unanimous approval of the current Elders, the Elder Intern will be presented to the congregation as being ready to become an Elder. The congregation will be instructed to go to him if they have any personal problem with him or information demonstrating that he is not qualified. They may also come to the elders with any information that might demonstrate the candidate is not yet qualified and the Elders will then investigate. Normally a period of at least one month will be given to the church for taking such actions.
C. Congregational Affirmation.
After appropriate time has passed since the congregation was notified, the Elder Intern will be presented to the congregation for affirmation. Affirmation must be by at least two thirds of the Active Voting Members.
D. Installation.
After affirmation by the congregation, the Elder Intern will be installed as an Elder by the laying on of hands by the existing elders. This will be done as either a special service or part of a regular Sunday worship service. (Acts 6:6; 1 Tim. 4:14; 5:22; 2 Tim. 1:6)
5. Re-Affirmation, Review, Correction, Removal (Matthew 18:15-20; Galatians 6:1-4; 1 Timothy 5:19-20).
A. Reaffirmation:
Elders are to be reaffirmed as to their qualifications at a minimum every third year by the membership at the Annual Business Meeting.
1) If an Elder receives less than two thirds vote of reaffirmation, he is to be reinvestigated as to his qualifications.
2) A reinvestigation of qualification begins with asking those who gave a no confidence vote to:
a) talk with the Elder about the reason(s)
b) bring the matter before the Elders, with the accused Elder present, to either affirm the accusation of lack of qualification or affirm that the concern has been resolved.
c) If less than two people come forward to meet with the Elders to bring formal charges, then the matter will be dropped.
B. Accusations:
Elders may be subject to accusations at any time of the year.
1) The accusations must be made by at least two people.
2) Those making the accusations should meet first with the Elder in question to express their concerns.
3) If there is no resolution in private or the matter would disqualify the
man from continuing as an Elder, the matter is to be brought before all the Elders for investigation.
C. Elder Review.
Each Elder is subject to a review by the other Elders. Those found negligent or incompetent to carry out their responsibilities may be subject to Correction and/or Removal as outlined in paragraphs d & e below. Elders shall stand for reaffirmation not later than the third annual meeting following their call or previous reaffirmation. Reaffirmation of Elders shall be by two-thirds vote of those members present and voting at the meeting.
D. Correction:
If an Elder is accused as in a. or b. above, the matter is to be investigated by the other Elders, searching for all relevant facts to determine the truth or falsity of the accusations.
1) If the accusations are determined to be false, those making the false accusations are to be rebuked, with church discipline carried out if there is no repentance.
2) If the accusations are determined to be true, the Elders are to determine if it is a matter of disqualification from being an Elder or a matter of correction.
a) Disqualification would be for no longer meeting the character qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9, or serious negligence of responsibilities, or no longer holding to the Church’s
Statement of Faith.
b) Correction would be for misunderstandings, errors of judgement, minor matters that do not demonstrate a failed character, etc. An Elder that is corrected is to receive it with all humility and demonstrate the fruit of repentance.
E. Removal:
An Elder that is found to be disqualified is to be removed from being an Elder.
1) An Elder that in humility recognizes his failure may resign by publicly stating that he is no longer qualified and wishes to work on the areas of failure.
2) An Elder who continues in sin or refuses the correction given to him is to be rebuked before the congregation and removed from being an Elder. An Elder may be removed by unanimous consensus of all the Elders and/or by failure to receive a minimum two thirds vote of affirmation of the active members present at a Regular or Special Church Business Meeting.
3) If the sin continues, the former Elder is to be disfellowshipped.
Appendix A – Initial Evaluation
Questionnaire for Elders
Directions for the Discipling Elder: Arrange to meet with the Elder nominee and work through this Evaluation Questionnaire with him. Be sure to congratulate him on the nomination to the process of becoming an Elder, for that in itself is an honor and says that his spiritual maturity is beginning to be noticed. Whether he believes himself to be qualified or is able to complete this process or not, it should be an encouragement to be recognized for maturity that is above other Christian men in the church.
This Questionnaire is simply a way to initially screen the individual as to how well he currently meets the Scriptural qualifications for an Elder. If in your evaluation you find that there are areas of serous weakness that need to be worked on before he can continue in this process, point those out along with a plan as how he can strengthen or overcome them so that he might be fully qualified in the future. Be encouraging! If there are minor weaknesses, you may work with him in those areas until he is qualified. If there are no serious deficiencies, you may recommend him to the rest of the Elders and he can move forward to the next step of the process.
1. Would you like to serve the Lord by doing the work of an Elder? (1 Timothy 3:1)
2. How long have you been a Christian? (1 Tim. 3:6)
How would you rate your Christian maturity? (1 Tim. 3:6)
Babe, Adolescent, Young Man, Middle Age, Mature, Senior Saint
3. Is there anything in your life that would cast doubt on your character if it were known? Those that live godly lives will be slandered (Matt 5:11); is there anything you could be accused of that could be backed up by evidence? (1 Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:6,7)
4. If the people you work with, or if your neighbors were contacted, what would they say about you? (1 Tim. 3:7)
5. What is your behavior like in social settings? (1 Tim. 3:2)
6. What are your three main goals in life?
What are your financial goals? (1 Tim. 3:3; Titus 1:7)
Are you content with your present situation of life? If not, what would need to be changed to help you be content? (Phil. 4:11,12)
7. How do you go about making decisions? What process do you use? (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8)
Tell about a bad decision you made in the past and how you (could have) corrected it?
8. Do you ever lose your temper? If so, what causes it? (1 Tim. 3:3, Titus 1:7,8)
Is there anyone you resent or hold a grudge against?
9. How do you get along with others? (1 Tim. 3:3)
How do you function within a group of people who have to make joint decisions?
10. Do you gossip? i.e. talking about others behind their backs, saying things that are unnecessary, talking to others about someone else’s problem without talking with them first, etc. (Eph. 4:29)
11. What is your view on the use of alcoholic beverages?
Do you partake of alcoholic beverages? Other drugs? (1 Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7)
12. How would you try to settle a dispute between two people in the church? (Titus 1:8)
13. Describe your personal walk with the Lord? (Titus 1:8)
Do you have a plan to regularly read/study the Bible?
Do you have a plan to spend consistent time in prayer & meditation?
14. Describe what you like to do in your free time? (Titus 1:8)
15. How willing are you to compromise in making decisions with other people? (Titus 1:7)
How do you respond if the decision is not what you wanted?
16. Who was the last person (couple, etc.) you had over to your house for dinner?
How do your respond to the visitors/new people at church? (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8)
(I’m shy, Talk with them if convenient, I go out of my way, I invite them home)
17. Have you ever taught a Bible Study of any type? Describe it. Results? (1 Tim. 3:2)
Have you ever discipled someone? If not, would you like to do so?
18. Describe your relationship with your wife? (1 Tim. 3:2, Titus 1:6)
How would your wife describe your relationship with her?
Are you attracted to any woman other than your wife?
If you are single, describe your dating life?
19. Describe your home life? (1 Tim. 3:4)
Are you in debt? If so, to what degree?
Excluding your home loan, you can get out of debt in: >1yr, 1-2yr, 3-5yr, 5-10yr, 10+, never!
Have you ever declared bankruptcy? How long ago? Have you tried to make restitution?
Do you have a good credit rating? (1 Tim. 3:7)
20. Describe your relationship with your children? (1 Tim. 3:4)
Describe the spiritual condition of your children? (Titus 1:6)
Describe how you are trying to raise them in the nature and admonition of the Lord?
21. Is there anything that has not been covered that might disqualify you from being an Elder?
22. How would you explain the gospel to someone in order to lead them to Christ?
23. What is your own testimony of salvation?
24. Do you have any questions or reservations about the By-Laws of Awakening Church?
Can you explain how Awakening Church functions/operates to someone else?
25. Are you in full agreement without reservation with the church’s Statement of Faith?
26. Can you explain/define & defend following doctrines in the church’s Statement of Faith & tell why they are important? (1 Tim. 1:9)
1) The Holy Scriptures
Verbal, Plenary Inspiration; Inerrancy; Infallibility
2) The True God
A) God the Father – Existence & Attributes
B) God the Son – Nature & Attributes
Virgin Birth; Substitutionary Atonement; Physical Resurrection; Current Ministry
C) God the Holy Spirit – Deity & Attributes
His ministry; Baptism in the Holy Spirit; The Trinity
3) The Devil
The Reality of Angels (good & bad); The Work of the Devil
4) The Creation & Fall of Man
A Six Solar Day Creation (ex-nihilo); The Fall of Man; The Depravity of Man
5) The Grace of God
Salvation by Grace through Faith; Justification; Sanctification
The Security of the Believer
6) The Church
A) Its Nature
B) Ordinances
Believers Baptism by Immersion; The Lord’s Supper
C) Duties of Members
(Meeting together; Giving of time, talent & wealth; Personal Evangelism)
D) Separation (From apostasy, worldliness & sinful practices; “Charismatic” gifts & practices; “Divine Healing”)
E) Civil Government (Role of Government; Extent of Obedience)
7) Eschatology
8) Israel (God’s plan for)
9) The Righteous & The Wicked (Difference between)
10) The Resurrection & Eternal State (Heaven; Hell)
Church Officer Qualifications – ELDERS
1 Timothy 3:1-7 The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. 2 Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, 5 for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church? 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7 Moreover, he must be well thought of by outsiders, so that he may not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil.
Titus 1:6-9 if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination. 7 For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, 8 but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. 9 He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.
1. Necessary Personal Qualifications
A. Aspires to the office of overseer (1 Timothy 3:1)
– Therefore, a godly man meeting the following qualifications does desire and aspire to the office and works of an Elder/Overseer/Bishop/Pastor.
B. Above reproach (1Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:6-7)
– Therefore, a godly man must be of such character and conduct that accusations are not made against him, and if accusations are made, they are found to be false after fair investigation.
C. The husband of one wife (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:6)
– Therefore, a godly man should be devoted to one woman, “a one-woman man”. This direction, which requires that those selected to lead the church be known for purity in their family relations, of course does not exclude those men who, have no wife but are still known to lead upright and moral lives. This instruction was given to combat two very common instances among the Jews and Gentiles, that of polygamy and divorce upon even slight occasions, both sins of which an Elder’s life should be free from.
D. Sober-minded (1 Timothy 3:2)
– Therefore, a godly man should be not intoxicated, free from negative life-dominating influences and clear minded.
E. Self-controlled (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8)
– Therefore, a godly man will be of sound mind, temperate, modest, and chaste. An Elder must have watchful care over his own conduct and be on guard against sin in any form.
F. Respectable (1 Timothy 3:2)
– Therefore, a godly man will be orderly, virtuous, decent, modest, and well-ordered. An Elders outward bearing must in all respects reflect his inner life.
G. Hospitable (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8)
– Therefore, a godly man will be a lover of strangers, friendly, gracious with a heart to share blessings. The Elder is overjoyed to entertain others, especially brothers, without expecting anything in return.
H. Able to teach (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:9)
– Therefore, a godly man can’t just know the Word extensively; it is imperative that elders communicate the Word effectively. An elder must know the Word and spread the Word throughout the church and from the church throughout the world. He must be able to persuade people with the Word, plead with people from the Word, comfort people with the Word, encourage people from the Word, instruct people in the Word, and lead the church according to the Word. This qualification is not just a willingness to teach, but a skill or gift in TRUTHFUL teaching. This is one of the more significant requirements of an overseer and sets him apart from the deacons.
I. Gentle (1 Timothy 3:3)
– Therefore, a godly man will be mild, forbearing, fair, reasonable, equitable and moderate. A man of mild and kind demeanor, such as the Lord was.
J. Manage his own household well (1 Timothy 3:4)
– Therefore, a godly man will rule over, give attention to, direct and maintain those over whom he has responsibility. He keeps his family in order through the application of Biblical principles. This is not just attempted, but done well, as an example to the church.
K. Keeping his children submissive, as believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination (1 Timothy 3:4, Titus 1:6)
– Therefore, a godly man will have established his children through Biblical teaching, and raised them in the love and admonition of the Lord. Mark here the importance given to the Elder’s family as well as to his personal character. The house of a believer ought to be like a little church, he who cannot obtain from his children any reverence or subjection . . . will hardly be able to restrain the people by the bridle of discipline. This means that how an elder, or potential elder, manages and orders his household are of utmost importance in determining his qualification for office. The married pastor is called to leadership in two families, his and God’s, and the former is to be the training ground of the latter, he who is faithful over a little will be faithful over much.
L. Well thought of by outsiders
– Therefore, a godly man will have a spotless reputation for integrity and honor with the world outside the church. His life must be lived in such a manner that unbelievers will not have cause to doubt his profession of faith. He must be just and true in his dealings with his fellow man and so live that they cannot say he has wronged them.
M. A lover of good (Titus 1:8)
– Therefore, a godly man will have a large heart which finds room for sympathy with all that is good and noble and generous. He should love every good man, no matter in what denomination, country, complexion, or rank in life he finds him.
N. Upright (Titus 1:8)
– Therefore, a godly man will be righteous in all his dealings with men, giving to everyone his due. Upright and genuine in his conversation with the saints, faithful in his council, admonitions, and reproofs.
O. Holy (Titus 1:8)
-Therefore, a godly man will be devout toward God, constant in all religious exercises in the closet, family, and church. He will live a plainly sober, righteous, and godly life in the world. He will worship and reverence God and is heavenly and spiritual in his conversation. He will make his life’s aim at purity before God.
P. Disciplined (Titus 1:8)
– Therefore, a godly man will abstain from the lusts of the flesh. He will have all his appetites under the dominion and government of his reason. He will even abstain from those things which might be lawfully used, though not edifying, for the sake of the weak, the peace of the church, and the glory of God.
II. Objectionable Personal Characteristics
A. Not a drunkard (1 Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7)
Therefore, a godly man does not “sit at it” or continually drink it (wine). This command for Elders signifies that this office of the church be filled by men who are not intemperate in its use. A godly man does not engage in the vulgar or riotous life associated with those that make drinking a way of life, or engage in the behavior exhibited by those ruled by intoxicants.
B. Not violent (1 Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7)
Therefore, a godly man is not swift to strike. He is not a man ready to come to blows at once over anything. He will be not easily riled up and will have a steady command over his temper, avoiding all worldly strife.
C. Not quarrelsome (1 Timothy 3:3)
Therefore, a godly man is not argumentative as a habit, falling quickly into disputes. He is peaceable in his words and actions.
D. Not a lover of money (1 Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7)
Therefore, a godly man is not desiring of base gain. He hates dishonest increase and lives a life not stained by the world’s motivations. He is not greedy for worldly substances or riches. He does not seek his own things, but instead the things of Christ. He does not withhold from his church, his family or the poor what should be enjoyed by them.
E. Not a recent convert (1 Timothy 3:6)
Therefore, a godly man should be mature in his walk. He should not be one who has had little time to test his own faith, or give evidence to others that he would be faithful to the trust committed to him.
F. Not arrogant (Titus 1:7)
Therefore, a godly man should not be proud, having a high opinion of himself. His actions in the world and in the church should not be governed by his own will but according to the will of God. He should not be determined to have his own way, and recognize himself as a servant in the house of the Lord.
G. Not quick-tempered (Titus 1:7)
Therefore, a godly man should not be easily provoked, he should not be ever ready with a harsh word, always remembering his Master, “when He was reviled, He did not revile in return.”
Appendix B – Written Documents
1. Please write out your testimony of salvation.
2. Please describe the ministries you have been involved in past and present and what results you have seen from those ministries. Please also explain what spiritual gifts you believe you may have and how God has used them.
3. Please write out your beliefs concerning each of the following areas:
Bibliology (The Nature of the Bible)
Theology Proper (Doctrine of God the Father)
Christology (Doctrine of God the Son)
Pneumatology (Doctrine of God the Holy Spirit)
Angelology (Doctrine of Angels)
Satanology (Doctrine of Satan)
Demonology (Doctrine of Demons)
Anthropology (Doctrine of Man)
Hamartiology (Doctrine of Sin)
Soteriology (Doctrine of Salvation)
Ecclesiology (Doctrine of the Church)
Eschatology (Doctrine of Last Things)
4. Please describe your general philosophy of ministry in the following areas.
A. What is the mission of the church and how is it to be carried out?
B. What are the ministries of the church and how should each area be carried out?
C. How should the church be structured? How should the church be directed/managed in order to carry out its mission and ministries?
Appendix C – Possible Questions for References
For use when contacting a reference, neighbor, co-worker, etc. Explain who you are and the reason for your call. Inform that the candidate is being considered for a position of leadership in their church and ask if they would mind answering a few questions about the candidate.
Name of Candidate
Name of person being interviewed
1) “Your relationship to the candidate?”
2) “How long have you known the candidate?”
3) “Did you know the candidate is a professing Christian?”
4) “Did you know he is a member of Awakening Church?”
5) “Has the candidate ever talked with you about Jesus Christ?”
6) “Which of the following words would fit the candidate in your opinion?”
Shy or Gregarious
Withdrawn or Outgoing
Reserved or Bold
Kind or Mean
Considerate or Selfish
Compassionate or Callous/unfeeling
Proud or Humble
Friendly or Contentious
Congenial or Opinionated
Harsh or Gentle
Respectable or Inappropriate
Honorable or Devious
Wise or Stupid
Discerning or Foolish
Patient or Rash
7) Would you consider the candidate a good / fair / mediocre / poor / bad neighbor/co-worker/etc. (according to relationship)?
8) Describe the candidate’s relationship with his wife?
Does he respect her? Does she respect him?
Is he committed to her alone or does he have an eye for other women?
9) Describe the candidate’s relationship with his children?
Is he involved with them? Do they respect him? Do they obey him?
Do you like / tolerate / dislike having his children around you?
Appendix D – Study Guide for Oral Evaluation
Oral evaluation will normally be given in any of the areas below. An Elder should have a knowledge base sufficient to enable him to both “exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who contradict” (Titus 1:9). The specific items listed below are basic areas an Elder should be knowledgeable. (This evaluation is looking for a high degree of familiarity, but not 100% accuracy on every item).
1. General Bible Knowledge
A. Names & order of all the books of the Bible
B. Author and theme of the books.
C. Identity of these Bible Characters
Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Enoch, Noah, Nimrod, Abraham, Lot, Sarah, Isaac, Esau, Rebekah, Jacob, Joseph, Aaron, Nadab & Abihu, Miriam, Moses, Balaam, Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson, Ruth, Eli, Samuel, Saul, David, Jonathan, Solomon, Joab, Absalom, Jeroboam, Rehoboam, Jezebel, Ahab, Elijah, Elisha, Josiah, Job, Jonah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Shadrack, Meshack, Abednego, Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Ezra, Nehemiah, Joseph, Mary, Simeon, Zacharias, Elizabeth, John the Baptist, Nicodemus, Peter, James, John, Andrew, Nathaniel, Matthew, Luke , Zacchaeus, Lazarus, Mary & Martha Mary Magdalene, Caiaphas, Annas, Pilate, Herod, Thomas, Ananias & Sapphira, Gamaliel, Barnabas, James, Cornelius, Stephen, Philip, Agrippa, Paul, Silas, John Mark, Apollos, Timothy, Titus, Michael, Gabriel
D. What is the Gospel?
E. How do the Covenants work together in scripture?
2. Systematic Theology
Be able to explain & defend following doctrines and the church’s Statement of Faith. (Some of this will overlap with Practical Theology. Evaluation in this area is looking for general knowledge and ability to “exhort” and “refute” and not theological treatises on each subject)
A. Bibliology
1) Revelation: General and Specific
2) Inspiration: Verbal, Plenary
3) Authority of Scripture: Inerrancy; Infallibility
4) Illumination: Saved & unsaved
B. Theology Proper
1) Proof of God
2) Attributes – Communicable & Incommunicable
3) The Trinity – Unity and Plurality
4) God the Father (Patriology)
5) God the Son (Christology)
6) God the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology)
C. Anthropology
1) Origin & nature
2) State of innocence
3) Original Sin – the Fall
4) Personal Sin
5) Punishment
D. Angelology
1) Ministry of angels
2) Satanology – His sin, character, methods and future
3) Demonology
E. Soteriology
1) The Savior – Offices, Sufferings & Work of Christ
2) Terminology – be able to define the following terms:
Atonement, Depravity, Expiation, Forgiveness, Grace, Guilt, Imputation, Justification, Propitiation, Reconciliation, Redemption, Regeneration, Sacrifice, Vicarious Substitution.
3) Election
Predestination, Man’s “free” will
Terms: Calling, drawing, foreknowledge, chosen
4) Conditions of Salvation
Terminology: believe, repent, confess, Lordship of Christ
5) Sanctification
New Birth
Joint Heirship with Christ
Position vs Practice
Eternal Security
Ultimate Glorification
6) Relationship of the Law and Grace
F. Ecclesiology
1) Christ & the Church
2) Church vs. Israel
3) Church Government – Autonomy, Structure, Officers, Membership
4) Church Ordinances:
Believers Baptism by Immersion
The Lord’s Supper
5) Duties of Members –
Assembly, Giving of time, talent & wealth
6) Relationship to the World
Separation from apostasy, worldliness & sinful practices, evangelism
7) Civil Government: Role of Government; Extent of Obedience
G. Eschatology
3. Practical Theology (Be able to discuss the following areas using Biblical approaches)
A. Biblical hermeneutics (How to study & interpret the Bible)
B. Church Government: Structure & Role of Officers: Elders, Deacons, Deaconess
C. Church Discipline
D. “Baby Dedications” (Why we do not baptize infants)
E. Role of Women in the Church
F. Biblical Concept of Missions Local & Foreign, Sending process, Evangelism,Parachurch vs. Local Church
G. Priorities of Pastoral Ministry
H. Stewardship (Finances – Church & Personal)
I. Lawsuits
J. Divorce & Remarriage
K. Liberty in Christ vs. either Legalism or License
L. Manifestations of True Salvation / false professions
M. Social Issues (Not a complete list)
1) Abortion
2) Homosexuality
3) Political Activism
4) Caring for the “poor”
5) Alcohol & Drugs
6) Gambling
7) Social Justice
4. Church History (be able to speak on the following topics)
A. Church Fathers (not a complete list)
1) Polycarp 2) Clement of Rome 3) Irenaeus
4) Ignatius 5) Justin Martyr 6) Augustine
7) Chrysostom 8) Eusebius 9) Jerome
10) Ambrose
B. Reformation
C. Key Events
D. Awakenings
5. Personal Study (Be able to define and layout your personal growth and devotion life)
A. Daily Plan of Study
B. Favorite Books and Authors
C. Favorite Contemporary Preachers
6. The following are examples of Questions that may be asked during the examination for Ordination.
A. Do you trust in Jesus Christ your Savior, acknowledge him as Lord of all and Head of the Church, and through him believe in one God, (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)?
B. Do you accept the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be, by the Holy Spirit, the unique and authoritative witness to Jesus Christ in the Church universal, and God’s word to you?
C. Do you sincerely receive and adopt the essential tenets of the Reformed faith as expressed in the confessions of our church as authentic and reliable expositions of what Scripture leads us to believe and do, and will you be instructed and led by those confessions as you lead the people of God?
D. Will you fulfill your ministry in obedience to Jesus Christ, under the authority of Scripture, and be continually guided by our confessions?
E. Will you be governed by our church’s polity, and will you abide by its discipline? Will you be a friend among your colleagues in ministry, working with them subject to the ordering of God’s Word and Spirit?
F. Will you in your own life seek to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, love your neighbors, and work for the reconciliation of the world?
G. Do you promise to further peace, unity, and purity of the church?
H. Will you pray for and seek to serve the people with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love?
I. Will you be a faithful ruling elder, watching over the people, providing for their worship, nurture, and service?
J. Will you be a faithful teaching elder, proclaiming the good news in Word, teaching faith, and caring for people?
K. Will you be a faithful ruling elder in this commission, serving the people by proclaiming the good news, teaching faith, and caring for the people, and in your ministry will you try to show the love and justice of Jesus Christ?
Appendix E – Example Ordination Service
1. A message before the assembly to the Candidate will first be preached…
2. A message to the local church assembly will follow…
3. The following procedure of ordination vows will be performed by the current Elders…
Personal Vows
Having repented of sin and put your faith in Jesus Christ; having been baptized and having been made a member of this local church; having faithfully served for at least one full year in various capacities; having prayed, studied, read and grown in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus; and having aspired to this office of elder; and having been approved and affirmed to that office after careful examination by the elders and members of Awakening Church, do you now promise:
1) To lead a life worthy of emulation? (Hebrews 13:7)
2) To joyfully watch over the souls of this flock as one who will give an account to God for each of them? (Hebrews 13:17)
3) To always preach with the day of God’s strict judgment for teachers in mind? (James 3:1)
4) To pray believingly for the sick? (James 5:13)
5) To shepherd God’s flock that has been allotted to you willingly, eagerly, seeking to model first what you ask of them? (1 Peter 5:1)
6) To serve the Lord with both joy and tears, to resist every temptation to shrink back from declaring the whole gospel whether in the privacy of someone’s home or the public square, to preach repentance and faith in Christ alone, to willingly accept suffering, should God place you in a position where obedience requires it, to value the calling and gospel of Jesus Christ above your own life, to guard the church as the blood-bought possession of Jesus Christ, and thus to care for her as his most valuable possession, to stay alert at your post, even willing to rebuke fellow elders who preach or teach any doctrine not found in God’s Word, to live as if, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:17-35)?
7) To carefully weigh the words of the preached Word in this assembly? (1 Corinthians 14:29)
8) To willingly suffer for Jesus’ sake hardship, physical torture, betrayal, inconvenience, exposure, disappointment, persecution, sovereign weakenings, calamities, and the daily pressures of concern for the church? (2 Corinthians 11-12)
8) To value the Word of God over an argument won, to train yourself in godliness, to labor and strive with persistence in the work of your ministry more than any before you, giving God all the glory for any success, to address men’s lives as well as minds; calling others to follow your personal growth in godliness and sanctification, to keep close watch on your own life and your own doctrine? (1 Timothy 4:6-16)
9) To purse righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness, to never quit, give up, swerve from or slack off in your effort to fulfill your ministry, not even when you are middle-aged, tired, and suffering; to despise the allure of riches in this world and to live for the eternal wealth of Christ’s presence in heaven, to guard the sacred deposit entrusted to your care? (1 Timothy 6)
10) To teach the Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ in such a way that old men, old women, young men, young women, and children will understand how to adorn the Gospel of Jesus Christ with good works, to value Jesus above your wife, your children (should God grant them to you), your church, your ministry, your knowledge, yourself, and anything else in this world, to speak to God’s people with gentle authority, to be zealous for good works? (Titus 2)
11) To not be ashamed of the gospel or the Savior, regardless of the audience, to flee youthful sins and run toward being a man of God who handles the Word of Truth accurately, to correct the ungodly with gentleness, not quarrelsomeness, to preach the Word of God; in season and out of season, reproving, rebuking, and exhorting with complete patience and teaching, to entrust your soul to the faithful Creator no matter the blessing, the trial or persecution? (2 Timothy)
If, in the sight of God and these witnesses you do now set your heart to make this pledge, promising that when you fail you will seek both forgiveness and restoration as soon as is possible, then I call upon you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom to answer, “I do.”
Congregational Vows
And now, would all the members of Awakening Church please stand.
Do you, the members of Awakening Church, commit:
1) To obey this man, and to submit to him, remembering that he is keeping watch over your souls, as one who will have to give an account. Will you let him do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you? (Hebrews 13:17)
2) To encourage and identify God’s grace in his life, especially the grace of humility, remembering that “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4)
3) To pray for him, that God may open to him a door for the Word, to declare the mystery of Christ that he may make it clear, as he ought to speak? (Colossians 4:2)
4) And to pray that he will finish his course and the ministry that he has received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God? (Acts 20)
If so, answer “We do.”
Final Ordination
Brother, because we believe the Holy Spirit has gifted you to this ministry and made you a gift to this church and trust that we have not acted in haste, but in prayerful dependence on Christ, therefore, it is our joy as the elders of this church to lay hands on you and call upon God himself to seal to you this ministry for your life and his glory.
(At this point then candidate kneels and the current elders lay hands on him and pray for him.)
A Celebration of Fellowship will follow the Ordination after an invite and the benediction is offered.
Eldership at Awakening Church is taken very seriously for an Elder has great responsibilities toward God and His Church. He cannot fulfill these unless he meets the qualifications of both character and giftedness that God has set forth in the Scriptures. A fully qualified Elder is a strong protection to the church. An unqualified Elder is a great danger to her. The Awakening Church policy defining the process of becoming an Elder is available from the church office to any church member upon request. These instructions and this process in total is meant to be a guide and a help through the process, not to force the church into a situation where following this Elder Policy would bind her hands and make the process unperformable. This presented path is one that makes sense and is shaped by Biblical, Godly wisdom and should be endeavored through barring any excluding circumstances or as the current Elders see fit for its use in the life of any prospective Elder candidate. This policy is used as amplifying information to the requirements contained in the Awakening Church Constitution and By-Laws which will not be lessened in any way. This policy is separate from any other Awakening Church document and may be edited as required by the Elders of Awakening Church. The basic steps of the process are outlined below.
Basic Eldership Process
1) A man is saved and begins his walk with Jesus Christ.
2) He grows in maturity through various means (see below) and is recognized by those in the congregation as meeting the qualifications for an Elder specified in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. He is then nominated by a Church Member to be considered by the Elders as a candidate.
3) The Elders evaluate the nominee as to his qualifications and then direct him accordingly to grow in any areas of deficiency and/or prepare for Elder Internship and ordination as an Elder.
4) Elder Intern is presented to Congregation for affirmation.
Means of spiritually maturing.
1) A consistent personal devotional life of Bible study and prayer.
2) Involvement in personal discipleship both as one who is being discipled and as someone who is discipling others.
3) Consistent and humble usage of their spiritual gifts in ministry.
4) Taking advantage of any special classes helpful toward Elder training including classes in theology, Biblical books and practical theology. For those who desire to pursue any of these areas in self-study, (please talk with an Elder to set up a course of self-study).
5) Reading of Christian books helpful to a greater understanding of the Bible, theology and its application to daily life.
If you are taking advantage of the various means of spiritually maturing as noted above and are interested in becoming an Elder, whether in the near or distant future, then please talk with a Pastor or Elder for specific direction in preparing yourself for this wonderful and important ministry – “It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do.” (1 Timothy 3:1)
Awakening Church Policy on Selecting and Removing Elders
An Elder has great responsibilities toward God and His Church. He cannot fulfill these unless he meets the qualifications of both character and giftedness that God has set forth in the Scriptures. A fully qualified Elder is a strong protection to the church. An unqualified Elder is a great danger to her. The process outlined below is to help determine if a man is equipped in character and in giftedness to serve as an Elder. If this is done correctly, then the church will simply be recognizing a man God has set apart to this ministry, and the church will be blessed. If done incorrectly, then it will be men just choosing other men to be leaders, and the church will suffer.
It is also recognized that a man that gives all appearance of being qualified at one point in time may later prove himself unqualified. Therefore, this policy includes a means to remove unqualified men from being Elders.
Also included is a brief outline of how a man can work toward developing himself to be an Elder. It is our belief that though not every Christian man will have the necessary gifts to be an Elder, nevertheless, every Christian man should be developing themselves to meet the spiritual and character qualifications of being an Elder.
The Elder Process will normally be accomplished in five phases:
1) Nomination
2) Evaluation
3) Internship
4) Confirmation
5) Continuing Reaffirmation
1. Nomination (Relevant Scriptures: Acts 6:1-6; 1 Timothy 3:1; 2 Timothy 2:2; Titus 1:5) (Note: Path to Eldership can be by either method, A or B below)
A. Identified by Elder.
Each existing Elder should, as a part of regular ministry, identify men who desire to be an Elder and may be qualified. Such men should be discipled and prepared to be an Elder. Such an identified individual should be:
1) In the discipleship process (discipling or being discipled)
2) Involved in ministry of the church
3) Ready for simultaneous evaluation and internship
B. Identified by a member of the church.
Members of the church should suggest to the Elders men they recognize may meet the qualifications for an Elder, are doing the work of the ministry and desire to do the work of an Elder. Such an identified individual should be:
1) Active in a ministry of the church.
2) Actively involved in the discipleship process. (discipling or being discipled)
3) Assigned a sponsoring Elder for initial screening and assistance.
C. Approval to proceed in the process
1) A current Elder will meet with the nominee and completes an Initial Evaluation Questionnaire with him (see Appendix A). Process continues only after individual has completed this Initial Evaluation Questionnaire, given serious consideration and prayer to the matter, and still desires to proceed.
2) The sponsoring Elder reports to all the Elders his findings during the initial screening. A potential candidate does not proceed unless approved by all the Elders. Those turned down at this phase are to be encouraged to work in the areas of weakness pointed out for possible future re-nomination.
D. Assigned Discipling Elder.
Each approved candidate is assigned to an existing Elder for discipleship, examination and help through the process (i.e. contact, guidance, support, accountability, modeling, examination of home life and reputation in community).
2. Evaluation (Relevant Scriptures: 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9)
A. The discipling Elder works with the nominee to prepare the following documents: (Appendix B)
1) Testimony of salvation.
2) Testimony of current ministries.
3) Doctrine.
4) Philosophy of ministry.
B. Assigned Discipling Elder Responsibilities (This formally begins with nomination approval)
1) Assistance with written documents.
2) Preparation for oral evaluation.
a) Identify any doctrinal or Biblical deficiency and provide or direct to training classes as needed (Elder training classes in Biblical hermeneutics, Theology and Eldership are generally offered in a rotating schedule).
b) Identify any ministry weakness.
c) Identify any character weakness. (making sure the “tough”/sensitive questions are asked)
3) Spending time to get an accurate picture of family life. The discipling Elder should be able to identify the strengths and weakness in the candidate’s relationship with wife and children.
4) Investigation of reputation outside the church. The candidate is to give a list of references which are to be contacted by an Elder. In addition, neighbors, known friends and co-workers should also be contacted. (Appendix C for possible questions for this investigation).
C. Oral Evaluation
1) All Elders are to be given copies of the documents prepared in “2. A.” above.
2) The candidate is to be evaluated by the Elders only after his discipling Elder indicates the candidate is ready and meets the character qualifications.
3) The candidate is to be evaluated before all the current Elders. Elders from other churches may be invited as decided by the current Elders of Awakening Church.
4) The candidate is to orally present his testimony of salvation and ministry.
5) Character witnesses are to give testimony to the candidate’s character and effectiveness of ministry (these may be written).
6) The candidate is to be questioned in three specific areas. (The Discipling Elder will use Appendix D to help the candidate prepare)
a) General Bible Knowledge
b) Doctrine/Theology
c) Practical application of Doctrine
D. Approval by Elders to proceed to internship
After oral examination, all Elders (pastors) present are to decide by unanimous consensus if the candidate is ready to proceed to internship or needs to continue working in areas of weakness.
3. Internship
A. Assigned elder continues in mentoring relationship for accountability and assistance.
B. Elder intern attends all elder meetings and functions. He may speak to issues being discussed, but does not have a say in the decisions of the elders.
C. Elder intern is to continue reading through books (especially in any areas of weakness) and discussing them with the discipling elder. If the intern has not already worked through Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch and its Study Guide, the intern should do so.
4. Confirmation
A. Elder Approval.
Upon the recommendation of the discipling Elder, the Elder Intern will be interviewed by the current Elders for final approval to become an Elder.
B. Congregational Notification.
Upon unanimous approval of the current Elders, the Elder Intern will be presented to the congregation as being ready to become an Elder. The congregation will be instructed to go to him if they have any personal problem with him or information demonstrating that he is not qualified. They may also come to the elders with any information that might demonstrate the candidate is not yet qualified and the Elders will then investigate. Normally a period of at least one month will be given to the church for taking such actions.
C. Congregational Affirmation.
After appropriate time has passed since the congregation was notified, the Elder Intern will be presented to the congregation for affirmation. Affirmation must be by at least two thirds of the Active Voting Members.
D. Installation.
After affirmation by the congregation, the Elder Intern will be installed as an Elder by the laying on of hands by the existing elders. This will be done as either a special service or part of a regular Sunday worship service. (Acts 6:6; 1 Tim. 4:14; 5:22; 2 Tim. 1:6)
5. Re-Affirmation, Review, Correction, Removal (Matthew 18:15-20; Galatians 6:1-4; 1 Timothy 5:19-20).
A. Reaffirmation:
Elders are to be reaffirmed as to their qualifications at a minimum every third year by the membership at the Annual Business Meeting.
1) If an Elder receives less than two thirds vote of reaffirmation, he is to be reinvestigated as to his qualifications.
2) A reinvestigation of qualification begins with asking those who gave a no confidence vote to:
a) talk with the Elder about the reason(s)
b) bring the matter before the Elders, with the accused Elder present, to either affirm the accusation of lack of qualification or affirm that the concern has been resolved.
c) If less than two people come forward to meet with the Elders to bring formal charges, then the matter will be dropped.
B. Accusations:
Elders may be subject to accusations at any time of the year.
1) The accusations must be made by at least two people.
2) Those making the accusations should meet first with the Elder in question to express their concerns.
3) If there is no resolution in private or the matter would disqualify the
man from continuing as an Elder, the matter is to be brought before all the Elders for investigation.
C. Elder Review.
Each Elder is subject to a review by the other Elders. Those found negligent or incompetent to carry out their responsibilities may be subject to Correction and/or Removal as outlined in paragraphs d & e below. Elders shall stand for reaffirmation not later than the third annual meeting following their call or previous reaffirmation. Reaffirmation of Elders shall be by two-thirds vote of those members present and voting at the meeting.
D. Correction:
If an Elder is accused as in a. or b. above, the matter is to be investigated by the other Elders, searching for all relevant facts to determine the truth or falsity of the accusations.
1) If the accusations are determined to be false, those making the false accusations are to be rebuked, with church discipline carried out if there is no repentance.
2) If the accusations are determined to be true, the Elders are to determine if it is a matter of disqualification from being an Elder or a matter of correction.
a) Disqualification would be for no longer meeting the character qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9, or serious negligence of responsibilities, or no longer holding to the Church’s
Statement of Faith.
b) Correction would be for misunderstandings, errors of judgement, minor matters that do not demonstrate a failed character, etc. An Elder that is corrected is to receive it with all humility and demonstrate the fruit of repentance.
E. Removal:
An Elder that is found to be disqualified is to be removed from being an Elder.
1) An Elder that in humility recognizes his failure may resign by publicly stating that he is no longer qualified and wishes to work on the areas of failure.
2) An Elder who continues in sin or refuses the correction given to him is to be rebuked before the congregation and removed from being an Elder. An Elder may be removed by unanimous consensus of all the Elders and/or by failure to receive a minimum two thirds vote of affirmation of the active members present at a Regular or Special Church Business Meeting.
3) If the sin continues, the former Elder is to be disfellowshipped.
Appendix A – Initial Evaluation
Questionnaire for Elders
Directions for the Discipling Elder: Arrange to meet with the Elder nominee and work through this Evaluation Questionnaire with him. Be sure to congratulate him on the nomination to the process of becoming an Elder, for that in itself is an honor and says that his spiritual maturity is beginning to be noticed. Whether he believes himself to be qualified or is able to complete this process or not, it should be an encouragement to be recognized for maturity that is above other Christian men in the church.
This Questionnaire is simply a way to initially screen the individual as to how well he currently meets the Scriptural qualifications for an Elder. If in your evaluation you find that there are areas of serous weakness that need to be worked on before he can continue in this process, point those out along with a plan as how he can strengthen or overcome them so that he might be fully qualified in the future. Be encouraging! If there are minor weaknesses, you may work with him in those areas until he is qualified. If there are no serious deficiencies, you may recommend him to the rest of the Elders and he can move forward to the next step of the process.
1. Would you like to serve the Lord by doing the work of an Elder? (1 Timothy 3:1)
2. How long have you been a Christian? (1 Tim. 3:6)
How would you rate your Christian maturity? (1 Tim. 3:6)
Babe, Adolescent, Young Man, Middle Age, Mature, Senior Saint
3. Is there anything in your life that would cast doubt on your character if it were known? Those that live godly lives will be slandered (Matt 5:11); is there anything you could be accused of that could be backed up by evidence? (1 Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:6,7)
4. If the people you work with, or if your neighbors were contacted, what would they say about you? (1 Tim. 3:7)
5. What is your behavior like in social settings? (1 Tim. 3:2)
6. What are your three main goals in life?
What are your financial goals? (1 Tim. 3:3; Titus 1:7)
Are you content with your present situation of life? If not, what would need to be changed to help you be content? (Phil. 4:11,12)
7. How do you go about making decisions? What process do you use? (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8)
Tell about a bad decision you made in the past and how you (could have) corrected it?
8. Do you ever lose your temper? If so, what causes it? (1 Tim. 3:3, Titus 1:7,8)
Is there anyone you resent or hold a grudge against?
9. How do you get along with others? (1 Tim. 3:3)
How do you function within a group of people who have to make joint decisions?
10. Do you gossip? i.e. talking about others behind their backs, saying things that are unnecessary, talking to others about someone else’s problem without talking with them first, etc. (Eph. 4:29)
11. What is your view on the use of alcoholic beverages?
Do you partake of alcoholic beverages? Other drugs? (1 Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7)
12. How would you try to settle a dispute between two people in the church? (Titus 1:8)
13. Describe your personal walk with the Lord? (Titus 1:8)
Do you have a plan to regularly read/study the Bible?
Do you have a plan to spend consistent time in prayer & meditation?
14. Describe what you like to do in your free time? (Titus 1:8)
15. How willing are you to compromise in making decisions with other people? (Titus 1:7)
How do you respond if the decision is not what you wanted?
16. Who was the last person (couple, etc.) you had over to your house for dinner?
How do your respond to the visitors/new people at church? (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8)
(I’m shy, Talk with them if convenient, I go out of my way, I invite them home)
17. Have you ever taught a Bible Study of any type? Describe it. Results? (1 Tim. 3:2)
Have you ever discipled someone? If not, would you like to do so?
18. Describe your relationship with your wife? (1 Tim. 3:2, Titus 1:6)
How would your wife describe your relationship with her?
Are you attracted to any woman other than your wife?
If you are single, describe your dating life?
19. Describe your home life? (1 Tim. 3:4)
Are you in debt? If so, to what degree?
Excluding your home loan, you can get out of debt in: >1yr, 1-2yr, 3-5yr, 5-10yr, 10+, never!
Have you ever declared bankruptcy? How long ago? Have you tried to make restitution?
Do you have a good credit rating? (1 Tim. 3:7)
20. Describe your relationship with your children? (1 Tim. 3:4)
Describe the spiritual condition of your children? (Titus 1:6)
Describe how you are trying to raise them in the nature and admonition of the Lord?
21. Is there anything that has not been covered that might disqualify you from being an Elder?
22. How would you explain the gospel to someone in order to lead them to Christ?
23. What is your own testimony of salvation?
24. Do you have any questions or reservations about the By-Laws of Awakening Church?
Can you explain how Awakening Church functions/operates to someone else?
25. Are you in full agreement without reservation with the church’s Statement of Faith?
26. Can you explain/define & defend following doctrines in the church’s Statement of Faith & tell why they are important? (1 Tim. 1:9)
1) The Holy Scriptures
Verbal, Plenary Inspiration; Inerrancy; Infallibility
2) The True God
A) God the Father – Existence & Attributes
B) God the Son – Nature & Attributes
Virgin Birth; Substitutionary Atonement; Physical Resurrection; Current Ministry
C) God the Holy Spirit – Deity & Attributes
His ministry; Baptism in the Holy Spirit; The Trinity
3) The Devil
The Reality of Angels (good & bad); The Work of the Devil
4) The Creation & Fall of Man
A Six Solar Day Creation (ex-nihilo); The Fall of Man; The Depravity of Man
5) The Grace of God
Salvation by Grace through Faith; Justification; Sanctification
The Security of the Believer
6) The Church
A) Its Nature
B) Ordinances
Believers Baptism by Immersion; The Lord’s Supper
C) Duties of Members
(Meeting together; Giving of time, talent & wealth; Personal Evangelism)
D) Separation (From apostasy, worldliness & sinful practices; “Charismatic” gifts & practices; “Divine Healing”)
E) Civil Government (Role of Government; Extent of Obedience)
7) Eschatology
8) Israel (God’s plan for)
9) The Righteous & The Wicked (Difference between)
10) The Resurrection & Eternal State (Heaven; Hell)
Church Officer Qualifications – ELDERS
1 Timothy 3:1-7 The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. 2 Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, 5 for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church? 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7 Moreover, he must be well thought of by outsiders, so that he may not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil.
Titus 1:6-9 if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination. 7 For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, 8 but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. 9 He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.
1. Necessary Personal Qualifications
A. Aspires to the office of overseer (1 Timothy 3:1)
– Therefore, a godly man meeting the following qualifications does desire and aspire to the office and works of an Elder/Overseer/Bishop/Pastor.
B. Above reproach (1Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:6-7)
– Therefore, a godly man must be of such character and conduct that accusations are not made against him, and if accusations are made, they are found to be false after fair investigation.
C. The husband of one wife (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:6)
– Therefore, a godly man should be devoted to one woman, “a one-woman man”. This direction, which requires that those selected to lead the church be known for purity in their family relations, of course does not exclude those men who, have no wife but are still known to lead upright and moral lives. This instruction was given to combat two very common instances among the Jews and Gentiles, that of polygamy and divorce upon even slight occasions, both sins of which an Elder’s life should be free from.
D. Sober-minded (1 Timothy 3:2)
– Therefore, a godly man should be not intoxicated, free from negative life-dominating influences and clear minded.
E. Self-controlled (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8)
– Therefore, a godly man will be of sound mind, temperate, modest, and chaste. An Elder must have watchful care over his own conduct and be on guard against sin in any form.
F. Respectable (1 Timothy 3:2)
– Therefore, a godly man will be orderly, virtuous, decent, modest, and well-ordered. An Elders outward bearing must in all respects reflect his inner life.
G. Hospitable (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8)
– Therefore, a godly man will be a lover of strangers, friendly, gracious with a heart to share blessings. The Elder is overjoyed to entertain others, especially brothers, without expecting anything in return.
H. Able to teach (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:9)
– Therefore, a godly man can’t just know the Word extensively; it is imperative that elders communicate the Word effectively. An elder must know the Word and spread the Word throughout the church and from the church throughout the world. He must be able to persuade people with the Word, plead with people from the Word, comfort people with the Word, encourage people from the Word, instruct people in the Word, and lead the church according to the Word. This qualification is not just a willingness to teach, but a skill or gift in TRUTHFUL teaching. This is one of the more significant requirements of an overseer and sets him apart from the deacons.
I. Gentle (1 Timothy 3:3)
– Therefore, a godly man will be mild, forbearing, fair, reasonable, equitable and moderate. A man of mild and kind demeanor, such as the Lord was.
J. Manage his own household well (1 Timothy 3:4)
– Therefore, a godly man will rule over, give attention to, direct and maintain those over whom he has responsibility. He keeps his family in order through the application of Biblical principles. This is not just attempted, but done well, as an example to the church.
K. Keeping his children submissive, as believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination (1 Timothy 3:4, Titus 1:6)
– Therefore, a godly man will have established his children through Biblical teaching, and raised them in the love and admonition of the Lord. Mark here the importance given to the Elder’s family as well as to his personal character. The house of a believer ought to be like a little church, he who cannot obtain from his children any reverence or subjection . . . will hardly be able to restrain the people by the bridle of discipline. This means that how an elder, or potential elder, manages and orders his household are of utmost importance in determining his qualification for office. The married pastor is called to leadership in two families, his and God’s, and the former is to be the training ground of the latter, he who is faithful over a little will be faithful over much.
L. Well thought of by outsiders
– Therefore, a godly man will have a spotless reputation for integrity and honor with the world outside the church. His life must be lived in such a manner that unbelievers will not have cause to doubt his profession of faith. He must be just and true in his dealings with his fellow man and so live that they cannot say he has wronged them.
M. A lover of good (Titus 1:8)
– Therefore, a godly man will have a large heart which finds room for sympathy with all that is good and noble and generous. He should love every good man, no matter in what denomination, country, complexion, or rank in life he finds him.
N. Upright (Titus 1:8)
– Therefore, a godly man will be righteous in all his dealings with men, giving to everyone his due. Upright and genuine in his conversation with the saints, faithful in his council, admonitions, and reproofs.
O. Holy (Titus 1:8)
-Therefore, a godly man will be devout toward God, constant in all religious exercises in the closet, family, and church. He will live a plainly sober, righteous, and godly life in the world. He will worship and reverence God and is heavenly and spiritual in his conversation. He will make his life’s aim at purity before God.
P. Disciplined (Titus 1:8)
– Therefore, a godly man will abstain from the lusts of the flesh. He will have all his appetites under the dominion and government of his reason. He will even abstain from those things which might be lawfully used, though not edifying, for the sake of the weak, the peace of the church, and the glory of God.
II. Objectionable Personal Characteristics
A. Not a drunkard (1 Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7)
Therefore, a godly man does not “sit at it” or continually drink it (wine). This command for Elders signifies that this office of the church be filled by men who are not intemperate in its use. A godly man does not engage in the vulgar or riotous life associated with those that make drinking a way of life, or engage in the behavior exhibited by those ruled by intoxicants.
B. Not violent (1 Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7)
Therefore, a godly man is not swift to strike. He is not a man ready to come to blows at once over anything. He will be not easily riled up and will have a steady command over his temper, avoiding all worldly strife.
C. Not quarrelsome (1 Timothy 3:3)
Therefore, a godly man is not argumentative as a habit, falling quickly into disputes. He is peaceable in his words and actions.
D. Not a lover of money (1 Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7)
Therefore, a godly man is not desiring of base gain. He hates dishonest increase and lives a life not stained by the world’s motivations. He is not greedy for worldly substances or riches. He does not seek his own things, but instead the things of Christ. He does not withhold from his church, his family or the poor what should be enjoyed by them.
E. Not a recent convert (1 Timothy 3:6)
Therefore, a godly man should be mature in his walk. He should not be one who has had little time to test his own faith, or give evidence to others that he would be faithful to the trust committed to him.
F. Not arrogant (Titus 1:7)
Therefore, a godly man should not be proud, having a high opinion of himself. His actions in the world and in the church should not be governed by his own will but according to the will of God. He should not be determined to have his own way, and recognize himself as a servant in the house of the Lord.
G. Not quick-tempered (Titus 1:7)
Therefore, a godly man should not be easily provoked, he should not be ever ready with a harsh word, always remembering his Master, “when He was reviled, He did not revile in return.”
Appendix B – Written Documents
1. Please write out your testimony of salvation.
2. Please describe the ministries you have been involved in past and present and what results you have seen from those ministries. Please also explain what spiritual gifts you believe you may have and how God has used them.
3. Please write out your beliefs concerning each of the following areas:
Bibliology (The Nature of the Bible)
Theology Proper (Doctrine of God the Father)
Christology (Doctrine of God the Son)
Pneumatology (Doctrine of God the Holy Spirit)
Angelology (Doctrine of Angels)
Satanology (Doctrine of Satan)
Demonology (Doctrine of Demons)
Anthropology (Doctrine of Man)
Hamartiology (Doctrine of Sin)
Soteriology (Doctrine of Salvation)
Ecclesiology (Doctrine of the Church)
Eschatology (Doctrine of Last Things)
4. Please describe your general philosophy of ministry in the following areas.
A. What is the mission of the church and how is it to be carried out?
B. What are the ministries of the church and how should each area be carried out?
C. How should the church be structured? How should the church be directed/managed in order to carry out its mission and ministries?
Appendix C – Possible Questions for References
For use when contacting a reference, neighbor, co-worker, etc. Explain who you are and the reason for your call. Inform that the candidate is being considered for a position of leadership in their church and ask if they would mind answering a few questions about the candidate.
Name of Candidate
Name of person being interviewed
1) “Your relationship to the candidate?”
2) “How long have you known the candidate?”
3) “Did you know the candidate is a professing Christian?”
4) “Did you know he is a member of Awakening Church?”
5) “Has the candidate ever talked with you about Jesus Christ?”
6) “Which of the following words would fit the candidate in your opinion?”
Shy or Gregarious
Withdrawn or Outgoing
Reserved or Bold
Kind or Mean
Considerate or Selfish
Compassionate or Callous/unfeeling
Proud or Humble
Friendly or Contentious
Congenial or Opinionated
Harsh or Gentle
Respectable or Inappropriate
Honorable or Devious
Wise or Stupid
Discerning or Foolish
Patient or Rash
7) Would you consider the candidate a good / fair / mediocre / poor / bad neighbor/co-worker/etc. (according to relationship)?
8) Describe the candidate’s relationship with his wife?
Does he respect her? Does she respect him?
Is he committed to her alone or does he have an eye for other women?
9) Describe the candidate’s relationship with his children?
Is he involved with them? Do they respect him? Do they obey him?
Do you like / tolerate / dislike having his children around you?
Appendix D – Study Guide for Oral Evaluation
Oral evaluation will normally be given in any of the areas below. An Elder should have a knowledge base sufficient to enable him to both “exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who contradict” (Titus 1:9). The specific items listed below are basic areas an Elder should be knowledgeable. (This evaluation is looking for a high degree of familiarity, but not 100% accuracy on every item).
1. General Bible Knowledge
A. Names & order of all the books of the Bible
B. Author and theme of the books.
C. Identity of these Bible Characters
Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Enoch, Noah, Nimrod, Abraham, Lot, Sarah, Isaac, Esau, Rebekah, Jacob, Joseph, Aaron, Nadab & Abihu, Miriam, Moses, Balaam, Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson, Ruth, Eli, Samuel, Saul, David, Jonathan, Solomon, Joab, Absalom, Jeroboam, Rehoboam, Jezebel, Ahab, Elijah, Elisha, Josiah, Job, Jonah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Shadrack, Meshack, Abednego, Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Ezra, Nehemiah, Joseph, Mary, Simeon, Zacharias, Elizabeth, John the Baptist, Nicodemus, Peter, James, John, Andrew, Nathaniel, Matthew, Luke , Zacchaeus, Lazarus, Mary & Martha Mary Magdalene, Caiaphas, Annas, Pilate, Herod, Thomas, Ananias & Sapphira, Gamaliel, Barnabas, James, Cornelius, Stephen, Philip, Agrippa, Paul, Silas, John Mark, Apollos, Timothy, Titus, Michael, Gabriel
D. What is the Gospel?
E. How do the Covenants work together in scripture?
2. Systematic Theology
Be able to explain & defend following doctrines and the church’s Statement of Faith. (Some of this will overlap with Practical Theology. Evaluation in this area is looking for general knowledge and ability to “exhort” and “refute” and not theological treatises on each subject)
A. Bibliology
1) Revelation: General and Specific
2) Inspiration: Verbal, Plenary
3) Authority of Scripture: Inerrancy; Infallibility
4) Illumination: Saved & unsaved
B. Theology Proper
1) Proof of God
2) Attributes – Communicable & Incommunicable
3) The Trinity – Unity and Plurality
4) God the Father (Patriology)
5) God the Son (Christology)
6) God the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology)
C. Anthropology
1) Origin & nature
2) State of innocence
3) Original Sin – the Fall
4) Personal Sin
5) Punishment
D. Angelology
1) Ministry of angels
2) Satanology – His sin, character, methods and future
3) Demonology
E. Soteriology
1) The Savior – Offices, Sufferings & Work of Christ
2) Terminology – be able to define the following terms:
Atonement, Depravity, Expiation, Forgiveness, Grace, Guilt, Imputation, Justification, Propitiation, Reconciliation, Redemption, Regeneration, Sacrifice, Vicarious Substitution.
3) Election
Predestination, Man’s “free” will
Terms: Calling, drawing, foreknowledge, chosen
4) Conditions of Salvation
Terminology: believe, repent, confess, Lordship of Christ
5) Sanctification
New Birth
Joint Heirship with Christ
Position vs Practice
Eternal Security
Ultimate Glorification
6) Relationship of the Law and Grace
F. Ecclesiology
1) Christ & the Church
2) Church vs. Israel
3) Church Government – Autonomy, Structure, Officers, Membership
4) Church Ordinances:
Believers Baptism by Immersion
The Lord’s Supper
5) Duties of Members –
Assembly, Giving of time, talent & wealth
6) Relationship to the World
Separation from apostasy, worldliness & sinful practices, evangelism
7) Civil Government: Role of Government; Extent of Obedience
G. Eschatology
3. Practical Theology (Be able to discuss the following areas using Biblical approaches)
A. Biblical hermeneutics (How to study & interpret the Bible)
B. Church Government: Structure & Role of Officers: Elders, Deacons, Deaconess
C. Church Discipline
D. “Baby Dedications” (Why we do not baptize infants)
E. Role of Women in the Church
F. Biblical Concept of Missions Local & Foreign, Sending process, Evangelism,Parachurch vs. Local Church
G. Priorities of Pastoral Ministry
H. Stewardship (Finances – Church & Personal)
I. Lawsuits
J. Divorce & Remarriage
K. Liberty in Christ vs. either Legalism or License
L. Manifestations of True Salvation / false professions
M. Social Issues (Not a complete list)
1) Abortion
2) Homosexuality
3) Political Activism
4) Caring for the “poor”
5) Alcohol & Drugs
6) Gambling
7) Social Justice
4. Church History (be able to speak on the following topics)
A. Church Fathers (not a complete list)
1) Polycarp 2) Clement of Rome 3) Irenaeus
4) Ignatius 5) Justin Martyr 6) Augustine
7) Chrysostom 8) Eusebius 9) Jerome
10) Ambrose
B. Reformation
C. Key Events
D. Awakenings
5. Personal Study (Be able to define and layout your personal growth and devotion life)
A. Daily Plan of Study
B. Favorite Books and Authors
C. Favorite Contemporary Preachers
6. The following are examples of Questions that may be asked during the examination for Ordination.
A. Do you trust in Jesus Christ your Savior, acknowledge him as Lord of all and Head of the Church, and through him believe in one God, (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)?
B. Do you accept the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be, by the Holy Spirit, the unique and authoritative witness to Jesus Christ in the Church universal, and God’s word to you?
C. Do you sincerely receive and adopt the essential tenets of the Reformed faith as expressed in the confessions of our church as authentic and reliable expositions of what Scripture leads us to believe and do, and will you be instructed and led by those confessions as you lead the people of God?
D. Will you fulfill your ministry in obedience to Jesus Christ, under the authority of Scripture, and be continually guided by our confessions?
E. Will you be governed by our church’s polity, and will you abide by its discipline? Will you be a friend among your colleagues in ministry, working with them subject to the ordering of God’s Word and Spirit?
F. Will you in your own life seek to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, love your neighbors, and work for the reconciliation of the world?
G. Do you promise to further peace, unity, and purity of the church?
H. Will you pray for and seek to serve the people with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love?
I. Will you be a faithful ruling elder, watching over the people, providing for their worship, nurture, and service?
J. Will you be a faithful teaching elder, proclaiming the good news in Word, teaching faith, and caring for people?
K. Will you be a faithful ruling elder in this commission, serving the people by proclaiming the good news, teaching faith, and caring for the people, and in your ministry will you try to show the love and justice of Jesus Christ?
Appendix E – Example Ordination Service
1. A message before the assembly to the Candidate will first be preached…
2. A message to the local church assembly will follow…
3. The following procedure of ordination vows will be performed by the current Elders…
Personal Vows
Having repented of sin and put your faith in Jesus Christ; having been baptized and having been made a member of this local church; having faithfully served for at least one full year in various capacities; having prayed, studied, read and grown in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus; and having aspired to this office of elder; and having been approved and affirmed to that office after careful examination by the elders and members of Awakening Church, do you now promise:
1) To lead a life worthy of emulation? (Hebrews 13:7)
2) To joyfully watch over the souls of this flock as one who will give an account to God for each of them? (Hebrews 13:17)
3) To always preach with the day of God’s strict judgment for teachers in mind? (James 3:1)
4) To pray believingly for the sick? (James 5:13)
5) To shepherd God’s flock that has been allotted to you willingly, eagerly, seeking to model first what you ask of them? (1 Peter 5:1)
6) To serve the Lord with both joy and tears, to resist every temptation to shrink back from declaring the whole gospel whether in the privacy of someone’s home or the public square, to preach repentance and faith in Christ alone, to willingly accept suffering, should God place you in a position where obedience requires it, to value the calling and gospel of Jesus Christ above your own life, to guard the church as the blood-bought possession of Jesus Christ, and thus to care for her as his most valuable possession, to stay alert at your post, even willing to rebuke fellow elders who preach or teach any doctrine not found in God’s Word, to live as if, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:17-35)?
7) To carefully weigh the words of the preached Word in this assembly? (1 Corinthians 14:29)
8) To willingly suffer for Jesus’ sake hardship, physical torture, betrayal, inconvenience, exposure, disappointment, persecution, sovereign weakenings, calamities, and the daily pressures of concern for the church? (2 Corinthians 11-12)
8) To value the Word of God over an argument won, to train yourself in godliness, to labor and strive with persistence in the work of your ministry more than any before you, giving God all the glory for any success, to address men’s lives as well as minds; calling others to follow your personal growth in godliness and sanctification, to keep close watch on your own life and your own doctrine? (1 Timothy 4:6-16)
9) To purse righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness, to never quit, give up, swerve from or slack off in your effort to fulfill your ministry, not even when you are middle-aged, tired, and suffering; to despise the allure of riches in this world and to live for the eternal wealth of Christ’s presence in heaven, to guard the sacred deposit entrusted to your care? (1 Timothy 6)
10) To teach the Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ in such a way that old men, old women, young men, young women, and children will understand how to adorn the Gospel of Jesus Christ with good works, to value Jesus above your wife, your children (should God grant them to you), your church, your ministry, your knowledge, yourself, and anything else in this world, to speak to God’s people with gentle authority, to be zealous for good works? (Titus 2)
11) To not be ashamed of the gospel or the Savior, regardless of the audience, to flee youthful sins and run toward being a man of God who handles the Word of Truth accurately, to correct the ungodly with gentleness, not quarrelsomeness, to preach the Word of God; in season and out of season, reproving, rebuking, and exhorting with complete patience and teaching, to entrust your soul to the faithful Creator no matter the blessing, the trial or persecution? (2 Timothy)
If, in the sight of God and these witnesses you do now set your heart to make this pledge, promising that when you fail you will seek both forgiveness and restoration as soon as is possible, then I call upon you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom to answer, “I do.”
Congregational Vows
And now, would all the members of Awakening Church please stand.
Do you, the members of Awakening Church, commit:
1) To obey this man, and to submit to him, remembering that he is keeping watch over your souls, as one who will have to give an account. Will you let him do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you? (Hebrews 13:17)
2) To encourage and identify God’s grace in his life, especially the grace of humility, remembering that “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4)
3) To pray for him, that God may open to him a door for the Word, to declare the mystery of Christ that he may make it clear, as he ought to speak? (Colossians 4:2)
4) And to pray that he will finish his course and the ministry that he has received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God? (Acts 20)
If so, answer “We do.”
Final Ordination
Brother, because we believe the Holy Spirit has gifted you to this ministry and made you a gift to this church and trust that we have not acted in haste, but in prayerful dependence on Christ, therefore, it is our joy as the elders of this church to lay hands on you and call upon God himself to seal to you this ministry for your life and his glory.
(At this point then candidate kneels and the current elders lay hands on him and pray for him.)
A Celebration of Fellowship will follow the Ordination after an invite and the benediction is offered.