January Book Review

Fallen - The Sons of God and the Nephilim

Author: Tim Chaffey

Greetings to Awakening Church, I hope this post finds you all doing well and glorifying Christ. Although I don’t plan on writing a review of everything I read, I thought a few of the more interesting titles would be beneficial to our congregation. I forget how I was introduced to this specific book, but it was an absolute delight to read with a respectful and scholarly tone while dealing with differing views on this subject.

Author: Tim Chaffey is the founder of Midwest Apologetics and works as the Content Manager with the Attractions Division of Answers in Genesis. He is responsible for developing the content for the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter exhibits.

Content: This book tackles some of the Bible's most fascinating questions about the Nephilim. Author Tim Chaffey combines a thorough inspection of related Biblical texts and extrabiblical writings to put together and discuss the three popular views concerning the Nephilim. He not only tackles each differing view, but he places those views in their respective place in church history and provides the backdrop as to why those views held prominence when they did. What were the Nephilim? Were they Giants? Were they fallen men or men who fall (attack) on other men? Were they men of incredible strength?  

My interpretation of Genesis 6:1-4 was always something I held to loosely. I had never had the time or opportunity to do much in-depth study concerning the orthodox interpretations held throughout church history. Tim Chaffey does an amazing job compiling some of the best resources concerning these questions:

  • Who were the Nephilim?
  • When were the Nephilim on earth?
  • Who were the sons of God?
  • What is the divine council?

Fallen provides a scholarly discussion of the three primary positions; the fallen angel, the Sethite, and the royalty views. Each view is looked at independently and the pros and cons of holding each are discussed. Fallen is broken down into chapters, designed to walk you through the differing interpretations and bring you out on the other side with answers. Tim Chaffey takes time to address the Biblical text and specific questions that arise from each view. Then, to top it all off the book contains an appendix with other adjacent topics that didn’t quite find a home in the primary work. The witch of Endor, female giants, imprisoned spirits, and the angelic rebellion are all walked through in the book's amazing appendix.

Recommendation: Although this book won’t break down any theological barriers, it deals with this third-tier issue of interpretation exceedingly well. I highly recommend Fallen for its exegetical content and respectful analysis of the historical positions. After reading Fallen, you might find another piece of the puzzle sliding into place, allowing a deeper, more complete understanding of the Biblical story.

Always remember:
“Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.”
- Charles Spurgeon

In Christ,
Ryan Milne 
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Pastor Ryan Milne

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